Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (review)

I have heard a lot about the Bad Company 2 Beta, especially about the multiplayer destruction etc. I picked up the game recently and hated it. I started up the single player immediately, beginning the first level which was pretty cool for the first couple of minutes...or should something more accurate like I say 47 seconds. After I breezed through the first level, I finally got to the first level to actually take place in modern times. Combined with the dissapointing graphics, I was hardly able to have fun. Why? Dust! This game is all about destroying stuff, but even the smallest explosion or sneeze unleashes a massive cloud of smoke. It's as if they are hiding the graphics behind a layer of clouds. This is an example of a game that focuses on multiplatyer. They spent so much time working on the trucks and helicopters that they had to slap a story line onto it, mark it with a B, and throw it in the oven for baby and me. The story line oviously wasn't very exciting. The single player doesn't do anything unique, doesn't have any cool moments, and copies the same modern warfare cliche of Russia being a big meanie. Why would Russia randomly invade all other coutries anyway? I goes since Russia is the only believable contry to invade the USA, and they haven't gotten over the whole Cold War thing, they just had no other options. Atleast in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 there is an actual and realistic reason for Russia to go beserk. In Bad Company 2 they even do that map thing during loading screens like you are being stalked by Google Maps. Over all, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is horrible. I can understand buying the game for the multiplayer, since that is all it's good for, and in that perspective it's fun and entertaining. If you are a recreational player in search of a great story than Bad Compnay 2 is not for you. If you are a 13 year old who is a MLG wanna be, whose little amount of friends have bought it, then you'll find the multiplayer fun at least. You will also like the multiplayer if you have friends, like fun, are bored, think it cool, or like multiplayer(who doesn't?) then buy it!

Contest Winners!

Yeah, it's contest winning time, if that's what you want to call it. Their were a lot of bad entries, and there was no good entries so I'm just going to have to pick one. The winner was:

I Dunno 3: Escape from Lake Tree Island
Starring Aarnold Swartezanger as Bill Cosby Boxlin
Sylvester Stallone as Bill Cosby Greg Smith
Bill Cosby as Billy Maze Jackson
Featuring unique scenes from Ghost Busters 3

This game was sent in by (name withheld), and will be awarded all the prizes.
Here is a sneak peak at the game:

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Academy Awards...

I was completely upset at the outcome of the oscars/academy awards/ whatever-they're-called, especially when it came to the best film of the year. Avatar was pretty bad, Hurt locker was average, but Distract 9 was great...ironically District 9 didn't win anything. In my opinion the awards should of been something like this:
1. Steve Jobs is arrested
2. Paris Hilton is arrested
3. Kate Gosselin is arrested

This blog, a negative comment on life, aparently isn't good either. So I'm hosting a contest! Build the best flash game about...Aarnold Swardzeneger, Mcdonalds, Rambo(played by Stallone), Rocky Balboa(played by Stallone), and any other Stallone character I forgot. Feel free to include segments from 'Ghostbusters', as long as you say stuff about it in the credits. Be original...the winner gets a brand new copy of Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Napoleon: Total War, and 1000 dollars to Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why I hate Facebook (again)

I don't understand why people are so addicted to the internet. People actually sit at their computers and update their Twitter, Myspace, Facebook...not to mention calling people on their house phones, while using an I-pod, while texting someone on their cell phone. I can tell you right away that I don't use any of those new message systems. I actually know people that update their twitter every couple of seconds. I don't really care that they just took a drink of water, or just inhaled through their mouth! Then you wonder why kids fail in school. Ok, ok, escape from an impending reality. I'm not one of those people that think kids shouldn't have I-pods or cell phones, not have summer vacations, and other things that internally ruin their lifes. I just can't stand how people are always like, "Wait! I have to update my facebook!" I don't use facebook and I still hold a strong relationship with my relatives. In fact, Bill Gates once said Facebook was for people that either had no life what so ever, or were these old people that are trying to share photos and reconnect to high school friends. Actually, now that I think about it, he only said the first part, the rest I just added.

I might as well try a post I made a long time ago around. It seems approipriate...

["It seems like everyday something big is going on in the world of facebook, (It's in the news, every once in a while) yet, I can't sign up. For starters, it says right there, on the homepage, in big letters: "ANYONE can join". So I go to sign up, It says "please enter your real birthday." It's as if they know [everything]! Maybe that is my birthday, smart ones! Second when I finally do get through, by lying about my birthday, ([They] think it's the month FEB, before 1920, yes facebook, I'm on to you!) It says: Enter your "valid" name. What the heck is that supposed to mean! That is my name! I just don't understand facebook. Yesterday I tried again, and guess what? I entered the wrong year by mistake, and there you go, my computer is locked from facebook. It says I'm now offically to young for facebook's forums."]