Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spinning the Fail-O-Meter

I'm sure that everyone is so delighted at the direction of the gaming industry. Ever since the 'Nintendo Problem', thinking stopped. Ever since the 2009 E3, games have been announcing their new motion control systems. Hooray? No. Noooooooooooooooooooo! Let's be honest...we play video games to relax after a hard day. I don't relax by flailing my arms around. I'm talking of course, to the Wii. Why is Nintendo still in business anyway? All of their games are either things like Wii Sports or games available on other consoles. The thing is that when it's on the Wii it's completely ruined. You're trying to shoot the enemies, but you can't spin your arms at them without missing. The customizable 'Miis' are the same as the avatars on the Xbox 360. The difference is that the Xbox 360 actually has more than 5 options so you can actually express yourself, and tell the difference between your mom's mii and your's. At first Wii apealed to people by saying it was family friendly. They ruined that too by exepting games that were considered too violent. I still don't know why Wiis are the best selling console ever. For starters everyone important and consumers alike hate them. I'm guessing that people in their 40s buy the Wii for their kids blindly. Outdoor people(like football players)are too littlely knowledged about video games that they're so used to the failures of the Nintendo brand. I don't know what they're trying to do here, but now they got all the better gaming consoles following the trend.
Now lets spin the Fail-O-Meter. Oh, look! It's gone from epicly bad to retarded.

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