Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reviews: Modern Warfare 2

Being a big fan of the Call of Duty series, I picked up a copy of Modern Warfare 2 as soon as it came out. Right away the campaign started unique and fresh. One of the things that really made the game more fun was the fact that the character dies several times through out the game. In most shooters the goal is to stay alive as you blow up building randomly, but in this game it changes into a 'finish the mission' mental state. Another thing that was unique was the fact that the missions weren't all 'shoot em' up' type objectives. For example, in the mission, 'Cliff Hanger' you have to complete the challenge of climbing up the mountain.

There were some points in the middle where I felt like this mission was just trying to increase the level amount. Other times things just didn't add up. There was this one mission where I died almost foot from the objective. (*Spoiler*) Next time I tried it I got the objective and General Shepard killed me. Basically if you die here you're a loser, and if you die a few inches forward you're a winner. There were also a few loose ends. For starters, why did General Shepard betray his country? It's a little unclear, and then all of a sudden he has his own branch of the army that's all betraying their country. What ever happened to Makarov anyway? Toward to end of the game they just forget him and focus on General Shepard. This either guarantees a sequel, or makes Infinity Ward really unobservant. I'm going to put my money on the answer number one.

The Special Operations (Spec Ops) were a lot of fun to play with a buddy if you're bored. The system they used for the stars and achievements worked to my standards. The multiplayer felt like an add-on that people were looking forward too. If your buddy is away then there is always that.

Over all I'd say that Modern Warfare 2 is a great game. It delivers the right amount of suspense before it reaches a climax, but then the ending felt unended. If you get this game you will most likely be happy with your purchase. I rate it a 8.7 for its unique style.

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