Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Summer Disaster: MoH

Over the summer of 2009 my XBOX360 was getting fixed after someone accidentally kicked it. Of course, I was forced to my worst nightmare. A year or two ago my family asked me if I wanted a Wii at all. I politely replied, F***en s*** No! On christmas I got one anyway. When I asked why, they replied that my aunt(whom I despise) said it was so much fun, so they gave it to me anyway. For the next few years it sat on the shelf. I had to play the Wii while my XBOX360 was repaired. Those days sucked. If you haven't already, read my post about why I hate Wiis, here.

Anyway, during that time I bought some new games for the wii such as Medal of Honor. Since I like WW2 shooters I was expecting this to be remotely, in some way, kind of fun. Wrong. I started the game off on the first level, parachuting on to the battlefield. Immediately I couldn't shoot because the Wii pointer is flying around just from my breathing. I get shoot from a guy I can't see of the screen, because guess what? You can't look up! Ok...restart. I'm lunging my arm at my feet like a manic trting to control the pointer. Then I realize I'm crawling all of a sudden because the gun is controled by the same movements as going prone. I'm unable to get up now...die...restart. After another 1-2 attempts I actually was able to follow the NPCs to the objective. Of course, most of the time I was lost because everything is so dark, even if there is a light right next to you. After several really boring attempts I just ran past everything and some how glitched to the next objective. Apparently they didn't think of that when they were making this thing.I was lunging my hands around my head just to walk correctly. Finally I some how got a hold of the gun and was able to actually do something. After the mission ended, I started up the next one and realized that it's basically the same. No multiplay, co-op, or extras...just 4 of these levels. That is why I rate this a 3 out of 10.

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